{{player.market}} {{player.name}}

{{player.team.market}} {{player.team.name}} - {{player.position.alias}}
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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Soto batted .275, hit 35 HR, drove in 109 runs and stole 12 bases in 162 games played. However, perhaps it was the fallout from the pressures of contract extension talk or the trade rumors that led him to the Padres, but for a period of 153 games beginning on 5/15/22 (when he was still on the Nationals) through 5/7/23 Soto hit a rather pedestrian 24 home runs and drove in just 68 runs while batting .231. Soto eventually found his swing with a vengeance and batted .290 and hit 30 home runs and drove in 92 runs in his final 127 games of the 2023 season. 

2024 Outlook: Soto is a dynamic uber talented outfielder who, as a left-handed batter at Yankee Stadium, should put up video game type of offensive stats this season. There’s a slight concern that the pressures of playing for his third team in three seasons and the distraction of being a free agent at the end of the season may cause him to slump again, but he’s too talented to pass up on draft day. Roster him with confidence. 

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