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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: The power we’ve all been talking about and hoping for showed up in spades in 2023 for Burger. He posted 34 across both the White Sox and Miami in 141. It wasn’t just power though as Burger also managed a solid .250 AVG and 28 doubles. Digging into his splits between Chicago and Miami though, shows some interesting numbers. His HR% fell nearly in half (7.7 to 4.2) while his line drive rate went up by the same amount his fly ball rate fell, and perhaps more interestingly he upped how often he hit up the middle by the same amount he stopped pulling the ball. 

2024 Outlook: It’s hard to take his .303 AVG over a third of a season in Miami seriously which is what led to his .250 total. However, we should see him remain at the .250 overall as his hit tool has always been solid. The thing to be a bit concerned with is the power. Don’t be surprised if you see him more in the 27 HR range than 35. Burger should be in the middle of the order with a shot at run production making him a solid mid-round 3B option.

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