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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Where to begin? The 20 starts and 102.2 IP in 2023 for Sale in Boston where the most of either since 2019. The results were solid overall and can be generally attributed to one thing…home runs. Sale allowed 15 HR in those 102.2 IP, leading to a 1.31 HR/9 and 13.3-percent HR/FB rate both of which are amongst the highest of his career. His strikeout rates (both K/9 and K%) were in line with career numbers as were his walk rates. 

2024 Outlook: There’s a lot going on above. Thus is the tricky case of Chris Sale. Presuming that changing scenery helps his health, Sale could be in for a rebound season. Being the likely 4th starter in Atlanta could keep him down to a max of 28 starts with about 145-150 innings on the mound. If the K-rates and control stay in place while getting out of the homer-friendly AL East should help a rebound in his ERA – but there’s obvious risk here. 

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