{{player.market}} {{player.name}}

{{player.team.market}} {{player.team.name}} - {{player.position.alias}}
{{ Math.floor(player.metadata.height/12)}}'{{ Math.round(player.metadata.height%12)}}" / {{player.metadata.weight}} lbs

2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Kirk batted a disappointing .250 last season which represented a .035 point drop from his previous season’s batting average. Kirk continued to demonstrate elite contact skills, but his hard-hit rate further declined just as it has every season since his 2020 rookie season. 

2024 Outlook: His above average contact skills might help him to slightly bump his batting average up closer to his .268 career average this season, but breaking balls continue to give him fits, and that bump might be marginal. Based on his above average catch framing skills he should continue to get semi-regular at bats but with his perpetually high groundball rate and declining power metrics his home run projection should max out in the lower to mid teen range. 

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